RAK Turpentine Thinner

RAK Turpentine Thinner is a special thinner used primarily for alkyd based primer, undercoat, enamel system.
RAK NC Thinner

RAK NC Thinner is a special thinner used primarily for all nitrocellulose based products system.
RAK Lacquer Thinner

RAK Lacquer Thinner is a high performance thinner used primarily as a thinner for acrylic, alkyd, 1K lacquer topcoat products.
RAK GP Thinner

RAK GP Thinner is a special general purpose thinner used primarily for Alkyd based paints, Superset/QD range paints, epoxy based coatings.
RAK Rust Remover

RAK Rust Remover is a special, safe and effective product used primarily for removing rust with ease from metal and concrete substrate.
RAK Proof

High Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane
RAK Road Marking

RAK Road Marking paint based on specialty thermoplastic acrylic resin, weather and UV resistant.
RAK Acrylic Thinner

RAK Acrylic Thinner RAK Acrylic Thinner is a special thinner used primarily for Acrylic primer & topcoat system. It is specially formulated to enhance the inherent properties of acrylic primers, topcoats. Anti – Bacterial Odorless Washability Leveling Low VOC Enquiry Now Typical use Thinner for Acrylic paint and similar paint products. RAK Acrylic Thinner TDS […]
RAK Thane PU Topcoat

This is a two component, chemically cured aliphatic acrylic polyurethane topcoat. Can be used interior & exterior surfaces.
RAK Thane PU Primer

This is a two component, anticorrosive, pigmented polyurethane primer for application. Can be used interior & exterior surfaces.