RAK QD Thinner

RAK Therm 200

RAK QD Thinner is a special thinner used primarily for Superset range primer, undercoat and topcoat systems. It is specially formulated to enhance the inherent properties of Quick Drying Paints based on modified alkyd resins.

Typical use

Thinner for superset range of products and tolls cleaning..


9 m2 / Litre

Dry Time

2 - 3 Hours

Application Tools

Roller for Primer & Base Coat Desired Tool for Expressions Accent


Smooth, Satin

How To Apply

Follow these steps for
best results and a professional finish.

Application methods

Spray: Use conventional air spray or airless spray. Brush: Recommended only when area is not suitable for spray application

Product mixing

Single Pack.

Thinner/Cleaning solvent

Thinner: RAK QD Thinner
5% Max. thinner is recommended as per need.