RAK Therm 200

RAK Therm 200

RAK Therm 200 is a specialized paint offering heat resistant up to 200°C and is contains highly pure metallic aluminium flakes dispersed in a tailored binder for high end performance. It has a bright and silver appearance and leafing coating to reflect light and heat away from substrates. Coating has excellent heat, water and weather resistance.

Typical use

Recommended as an anti-corrosive epoxy coat for structured steel, tanks, Refineries, power plants, bridges and equipments.


9 m2 / Litre

Dry Time

2 - 3 Hours

Application Tools

Roller for Primer & Base Coat Desired Tool for Expressions Accent


Smooth, Satin

How To Apply

Follow these steps for
best results and a professional finish.

Application methods

Spray: Use conventional air spray or airless spray. Brush: Recommended only when area is not suitable for spray application

Product mixing

Single Pack.

Thinner/Cleaning solvent

Thinner: RAK QD Thinner
5% Max. thinner is recommended as per need.